Sunday, August 31, 2008

Toot Toot! ____ of the Month Club

Each Month I will be spotlighting interesting facts, authors, websites and adventures for you to peruse on the world wide web. From the crazy and zany- to sad and misunderstood, we will shine a light on all of them.

Random Fact of the Month:

Did you know that you can tell the temperature by counting cricket chirps? Here's how you do it. Go outside at dusk or at night and find a chirping cricket -- don't get too close or it will stop chirping. Count the number of chirps it makes during a 15-second period. Then, add 40 to the number of chirps. The total will be pretty close to what the actual temperature is in Fahrenheit. Pretty cool, huh!

Author of the Month

Beverly Cleary Romona, Henry, Socks and Otis- need I say more? Her characters and their adventures made me laugh, cry and laugh so hard I cried. These are classics!

Websites of the Month

Neuroscience for Kids Check out the brain games section- YIKES!

CryptoKids Future Code Makers and Code Breakers of America- MOUNT UP!

Biggest Eye Roll of the Month

The Monroe County Sheriff's Office says a man who led a deputy on a high-speed pursuit told investigators he was sleeping, not driving, during the chase.

5th Grade Class Blog of the Month:

Mrs. Putnam's Class

News Source of the Month

The Post With the convention in Denver wrapping up and the RNC gearing up, here is just one great news source for kids to gain a better insight on our candidates.

Ah Ha Moment of the Month:

1 simple thing you can do to save the Earth:

Be a Bottle Bandit! We all know that we can't throw glass into our recycle bins, so what can we do? Save it in a different bin or box and deliver it to the Quincy Recycling Center. They will not pick it up on your curb, but they will let you drop it off. Every month we toss away enough glass to fill up a giant skyscraper.

Book of the Month:

Moxy Maxwell Does Not Love Stuart Little

Nine-year-old Moxy Maxwell sticks close to her copy of Stuart Little all summer - so close, in fact, that the book is now sticky from a lemonade incident and warped with pool water.Moxy’s summer has been spent mainly at the pool, where she’s perfecting synchronized swimming as a flower petal. August 23 has snuck up on her from out of nowhere. This is the last possible day she has to read Stuart Little. Tomorrow her teacher, Mr. Flamingo, will be testing the class on their Stuart Little summer reading. Moxy is finding this one hundred and forty-four page mouse book tough to crack open. It’s not because she doesn’t like reading, because she does. In fact, she loves reading - but Stuart Little lost its appeal the minute it was assigned to her. Nevertheless, Moxy plans to read the book in her bedroom, and during “in-betweens.” It’s too bad her plans keep being interrupted by thoughts of Mudd and Rosie training, best friend visits and phone calls, a distractingly dirty room, and a grand idea involving peach pits.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Coming up for air...

Wow- I can't believe it's been this long since I posted last. I am so excited about this year and my 22 Busy Beavers. They are such a great bunch. I have only been lucky enough to be with them for only 7 and a half days, but I can honestly say I am so excited to be working with them. They have such positive energy and a love of learning. They are avid readers and so artistic. This year will be such an amazing adventure.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Begin with the End in Mind

Or I may not have begun...

So, Monday I was finally able to get into Room 122 and "get things ready." Here are the before photos taken from corners of the room:

Scroll down..............

And the after:

This is the view as you walk in the door. Check out the curtains I made- don't get too close. I wouldn't submit them to be judged at a 4-H show or the fair, but they work! Students will be grouped in 4 teams. There will be 22 students in the room and I cannot wait to meet them.

Taken from the library- to the right is the door. Don't worry- the bulletin boards will have things on them soon. There are two reading areas in the room. James and I made tables and chairs from wooden spools donated by electrical companies. We had fun- he's quite the painter. The last picture is of the fiction section of our library. I am a word nerd. I cannot get enough. I love books and love collecting them.

Thanks for stopping by! A little over 1 week of vacation left! Ahhhh!